
Electric car maker Tesla Motors

Electric car maker Tesla Motors


                    Electric car maker Tesla Motors has finally launched a new product of sport utility vehicle SUV type, Tesla Model X, on Wednesday (30/9), which is expected to bring the company a profit after years of losses. Founder and CEO of Tesla Motors, Elon Musk, estimates that 25 thousand consumers will order Model X within 8 to 12 months. The Model X engine is designed with two electric motors that can run up to 400 km with battery support of 90 kWh. The front door of Model X can be opened to the side, while the front door can be opened to the top where this feature is called Tesla as the "wing of an eagle."

There are two layout options for the number of seats in the interior, which is for six seats and seven seats. Musk said, the biggest challenge of building Model X is on the seat that can move automatically. "One of the most difficult things to design is a good seat," he said. If passengers want to get into the third row seats, they simply push a button on the second row seat, then this second row seat automatically advances to allow passengers into the rear seat.

This car carries the concept of all-wheel drive and is available in two variants, the Model X P90D and 90D. For P90D variants can travel 250 miles or about 400 km with acceleration of 0 to 60 miles per hour in 3.8 seconds. While for 90D can travel 257 miles or about 413 km. However, this variant acceleration is still inferior to P90D. To travel from 0 to 60 miles per hour takes 4.8 seconds. Musk proudly claimed the electric car is the fastest in terms of acceleration. So far Tesla has had three product portfolios. In addition to the Model X, there is also an electric car type sedan Model S and Roadster sports car. The company is struggling to increase its sales amid the global adoption of electric vehicles. Nevertheless, Tesla became a pioneer for luxury electric cars that take advantage of batteries. Musk hopes that Model X can "provide cash flow that can be used to develop and facilitate" the production or development of their three product portfolios.

In August, Musk said Tesla would make about 50,000 to 55,000 Model S and Model X this year, with a capacity of 1,600 to 1,800 vehicles per week on next year's production line. The company has not revealed the base price for Model X, but Musk says in the future the price they offer will be lower.

                   Utility vehichle (SUV) electric sports car, Tesla Model X managed to beat a car Lamborghini Aventador SV in a drag race race held by DragTimes. Not only managed to beat one of the fastest cars in the world, Tesla Model X in the race also managed to record history as the fastest SUV in a straight track race for a quarter of a mile. DragTimes, the media company providing data about drag races, held a race between two cars at Palm Beach International Raceway, Florida, United States last week. In that race Tesla Model X P100D managed to defeat Lamborghini Aventador SV with a record time is very thin. Elon Musk electric car besutan time 0.05 seconds faster than Aventador, luxury Italian-made sports car that.

The electric SUV shot up to a maximum speed of 118 miles per hour and hit the finish line in just 11.4 seconds. With a record that time Tesla Model X P100D broke the record as the fastest SUV in the race drag race. This victory became a unique historical record, considering Tesla Model X in the race was worth US $ 165,000 and designed as a family car. While his opponent, the Aventador, berbanderol about 530,000 dollars, with 6-liter V12 engine capacity capable of spraying power up to 750hp, with seven acceleration. But according to TechTimes, Tesla was able to come out as champion in the duel because the Model X P100D was able to achieve maximum torque since the start of the race, while the Aventador took longer to reach its peak torque.

In addition, Tesla Model X also do not need to change gears in the race, another with Aventador the driver is required to find the right momentum to move teeth. Therefore, given the reasons above, it is certain Tesla Model X will be easily defeated by Lamborghini Aventador in a race with a longer trajectory.

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