



The Ministry of Industry has prepared a road map or roadmap for the development of the national automotive industry. The government targets the production of electric cars to reach 20 percent of the total production of national motor vehicles by 2025.

The Ministry of Industry with stakeholders will conduct trials on 10 electric car prototypes that can be categorized as roadworthy. "The prototype will be distributed, among others to the Ministry of Transportation and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in order to be tested while the regulation we prepare," said Minister of Industry Airlangga Hartarto in a press release on Monday (8/28/2017).

Airlangga said the development of electric cars requires adequate infrastructure and technology. Currently, the number of suppliers or supporting industries is still small compared to existing vehicle manufacturers.

"So, it takes careful preparations, such as battery technology and place of filling, if need be able to hold 200-300 kilometers," said Airlangga.

Menperin said, was brewing the provision of fiscal and nonfiscal incentives to electric and hybrid car manufacturers. The incentive aims to accelerate the commercialization and development of hybrid and electric vehicle production in the country, such as low import duties.

Ministry of Industry, Airlangga said, continues to coordinate with the Ministry of Finance and related ministries and agencies in discussing the incentive facilities. These incentives can be gradually adjusted to the deepening commitment of manufacturing that has been applied in several industry sectors.

"For example, incentives are given for building a research and development center for electric motor components, batteries, and power control units, as well as increased use of local components," Airlangga said.

Indonesia has actually been trying to develop an electric car project since 1997 through the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI). In 2002, LIPI built a prototype electric car which was then used for ambulances and slow police patrol cars.

In the era of the administration of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Dahlan Iskan who was then Minister of SOEs, initiated the electric car project by the children of the country in 2012. This is the first time the government was directly involved. At the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit (APEC) 2013 in Nusa Dua, Bali, the government exhibited two types of electric cars.

The electric car project began to waver as the prosecutor's office suspected the alleged corruption. The automaker, Dasep Ahmadi accused of not doing his job properly and is said to have cost the state up to Rp32 billion.

In March 2016, the Jakarta Corruption Court sentenced Dasep to 7 years in prison. The verdict was exacerbated on appeal by the panel of judges to 9 years in prison and a fine of Rp200 million subsidy 6 months in jail and the obligation to return the state financial loss of Rp17 billion.

Dahlan Iskan was also a suspect in the procurement of 16 microbus and electric executive bus used as official vehicle delegate participants APEC Summit 2013. According to the Attorney General, Muhammad Prasetyo, the Supreme Court declared Dasep conduct corruption procurement electric car with Dahlan Iskan.

Electric car project re-sticking in the era of President Joko Widodo. The President has issued written instructions to support the development of electric cars. The President's commitment is subject to many considerations, such as global changes and their impact on climate and the environment.

Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Mohamad Nasir said domestic electric cars are ready to be mass-marketed in 2020. The government took State University of Sebelas Maret Surakarta, University of Indonesia, Bandung Institute of Technology, and Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya (ITS) to develop a car program electricity.

In addition to preparing the rules, the government is also exploring cooperation with other countries. The Research and Development Agency (Balitbang) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is exploring with Chinese investors, who are interested in developing electric cars in Indonesia.

Quoted Detikcom, Head of Research and Development Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, FX Sutjiastoto, said the cooperation was facilitated by the Ministry of Research and Technology of China. Bali was chosen as the location for early development.

According to Sutjiastoto, TIongkok will bring technology and funds to develop electric cars, while Balitbang Ministry of ESDM provides the concept of development and application, so there is cooperation in operation.

The cooperation will also involve PT PLN (Persero) as the party providing the infrastructure of electric cars or Public Electricity Supply Station (SPLU) aka 'SPBU' specifically electric cars.

Sutjiastoto said Balitbang ESDM along with China is calculating the economy to develop electric cars in Bali, because it can not be determined the amount of investment and the start time of such cooperation. For the initial phase, electric cars will be imported directly, but in the future the industry will be built in Indonesia.


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